Paramedic Cheat Sheet
This document will help you with other terms to do within the department
Serious EMS RP
Some players on the server are willing to play seriously with the use of /me and RP aspects. This guide is not to teach you how to do serious RP, just how to do EMS RP in a serious manner. This section will go over steps to take and procedures to do.
Arriving on scene:
Put on your PPE (gloves). Access the situation and locate the injured person. Upon arrival, tell them your first name and that you're there to help.
Ask them their name and what's happened to them.
While they answer, examine their body for any signs of injury or illness. If there is more than one patient, get your partner to examine them or tell the current patient you'll be right back.
Get a bystander or other emergency personnel to watch them if available and necessary. If there are two patients, figure out who needs help first based on their injuries and condition. This is called triage.
If someone is dying and needs to be defibbed, treat them first. Try to make any RP quick as a death timer doesn't wait for RP.
Treatment and Transport:
Treat all injuries you can. If it needs stitching or surgery, you'll need to be transported to hospital. If you need to transport to hospital, make sure all patients are taken care of. Contact dispatch you are transporting and let them know if you're going emerg or non-emerg. Emerg or non-emerg should be based on the patient's condition and if they need emergency surgery or just a couple stitches. An example of a call would be "CALL SIGN:TRANSPORT TO HOSPITAL: ISSUE" Once you're done offloading the patient at the hospital, tell dispatch you're done just like you would any other call.
Medical Care:
eople who are injured generally need immediate care be it cleaning a wound to stabilising a partially detached limb. Regardless, it is important to know what you need to do to treat them.
Disclaimer: This section may not be 100% accurate however i am open for criticism.
Suspicion of spinal injury:
You need to place the injured person on a backboard carefully with the assistance of another EMT. One person must stabilise the c-spine (the neck and head) with their hands until a c-spine collar has been put on. Do not let them turn their head.
Place saline soaked bandages over any severe burns for protection and to keep them Moist. Minor burns can be protected by loosely securing a gauze pressure pad over top.
Severe Skin Breaks:
Control bleeding with sterile gauze pressure pads. Sanitise the wound with a sanitising agent. Protect the wound with a tightly wrapped bandage. Place a gauze pad under the bandage if bleeding still continues.
Keep the pt warm and calm. Stop anything that may be causing shock such as bleeding. Administer saline packs to alleviate blood pressure via IV if absolutely needed.
eep the patient warm with a thermal blanket and monitor vitals constantly. If they do change you are able to administer Heat Treated Fluids VIA a IV
Gunshot Wounds:
This will probably be the most common so I made its own section. Basically the same as severe skin breaks. Control breathing. If the wound is to the chest, seal it with a plastic sheet, leaving one side unsealed so blood can drain.
Airway Complications:
Sometimes the patient may be bleeding into their airway or are unable to breathe through their mouth. A tachometry may be needed. This is when an emergent incision is cut in the trachea and a trach tube is inserted down toward the lungs. A BVM is then attached to manually force the patient to breathe.
Cardiac Arrest:
Begin CPR immediately. One person works compressions, the other works the BVM and Crash Unit. Do not stop compressions without a doctor's order (in this case, offload them at the hospital and let them decide their fate)
Types Of Calls
Life alerts will be another common call for you. They could either be a dying person or a person knocked unconscious. Either way, respond as soon as possible and respond priority 1. Based on the location, you may or may not want police support. Generally, unless you're in the city, you will want police support. Let dispatch know when you're done and return to base.
This is probably the most common call you will respond to. This is usually done by a person calling 911 be it the injured person or a bystander. Dispatch will usually be the one to receive the call if it is done by a cell phone. If the 911 call is done by text and dispatch is available, let them dispatch you. If no dispatch is available, be the judge on the priority and call over the radio. You may or may not receive information about the person calling, especially if it is done by text. When responding, be prepared for anything.
When you arrive on scene, let dispatch know you're on scene and locate the injured person. Keep in mind, the player may play it seriously, they may not. If it's done seriously, treat them according to serious treatment guidelines. If not, use your first aid kit to fix them up and return to base. Let dispatch know you're done before you return with the patient being roleplayed.
A MVA is broken into 3 categories. Vehicle vs Pedestrian, Vehicle vs Vehicle, and Vehicle vs Static (wall, sign, tree, etc). All three however are treated similarly.
Dispatch will send out police for crowd control and EMS for medical support. Whether all three have arrived or not, start work immediately. Let dispatch know you're on scene. Access the situation and perform triage. Use defibs on anyone who is dying. If the person is inside their vehicle and fire is inbound, wait for fire to extract them. Otherwise, extract them yourself and treat them based on serious/unserious guidelines. (NO FIRE SERVICE IN CITY WE HAVE FIRE EXTINGUISHERS IN ARMOURY)
After you have treated everyone, notify dispatch and return to base. A tow truck should be used to clean up the scene so don't try to push cars off the road.
Perma Death:
If you decide to kill off your character, you must confirm it with the medical personnel present through a direct message to the player on discord. The only individuals who can officially declare a death is a first responder (if death is obvious) or a doctor. Only a doctor can sign off on a death certificate and/or autopsy for the purposes of roleplay.
Declaring a death with a βPillbox Doctorβ is acceptable, but the information still needs to be sent to a player doctor. Please make sure that use this
Last updated